scash102 | Poetry Vibe
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Closed door



Views: 405

Its like I'm talking you but there is no audio to my voice, its like living life on pause hoping you will press play. I loved you after all the time that had passed and the distance between us, I  was still holding on even though i feel like a fool sometimes. We don't talk like we used to, but still i reach out to you. You don't talk to me like you used to cause you're either busy at work or frustrated and you don't want to.i feel like you have pushed me away and put me on the back burner. I feel torn cause i don't want to loose another chance to be happy with you but i feel like i don't mean as much to you. I been hoping to make future plans with you, but your scared and every reason you give sounds like an excuse. We been down this road before so we both know it isn't new, i can't picture anyone else spending their life with you. Trying to get through to is like talking to a wall, your love lifts me on a cloud and i don't want to fall. I don't want to look back on what used to be or could of been. The way you make me feel, i pictured you as my husband. I know communication its a two way street so speak your mind now or forever hold your peace. I feel like you closed you the door on me, left me in the cold. Its pouring rain and this feeling is getting old. Its the same sad love song with no rehearsal. I can not and i will not force you, and I'm not trying to rush you but please don't think I'll Jus stay around, and in my tears and sadness I'll drown. I feel like you closed the door on me. Called it a wrap like a movie scene, I'm trying to be there for you but you aren't making it easy. You think i over think and i think you don't think enough. Love its waiting here for you, i could leave but i don't want to and I'm debating both issues Cus i still love you. But it won't matter if I'm on the Other side of a closed door and I'm knocking but you act deaf to the sounds on the door....


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dangerous passion says:

Real feelings. .i like:)

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dangerous passion says:

Real feelings. .i like:)

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scash102 says:

Thank you

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