scash102 | Poetry Vibe
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Young Girls



Views: 407

These young girls worry me these days they're clothes, attitudes and their ways. Twerking is the new dance craze, girls as young 8 popping on a facebook page. These girls wearing make up, thee experienced trying to wake 'em up. I see 'em on the streets, and stores barely dressed in clothes, bout 12 with a ring in they nose and sneaking to the club,trying to pose an adult, confusing men and claiming assault. Not saying there isnt perverts on the verge, these young girls hot and giving up their pearls. I was young been there and done that, now i feel bad for these young girls. Our communities need strength and it starts with our women. Someone has to be an example, all these single mothers have they're hands full. We need our men to be kings and gentlemen again so our queens might wake up n reign again. Having babies at 12 isn't cool, even someone has to responsible a baby cant raise a baby and parents know that rule. School is first and foremost after the baby come they friends won't look at them the same no more. We screaming independent and the babies are suffering. Not saying women cant do it on they're own but thats a house not a home. We are so devided as a people, we need to come back together and be whole and equal. Love your fellow brother and sista is not a stereotype terms we use out of love and stand together by eachother side. These young girls need love at home first not a boyfriends sheets then comin home with a disease. This love and hate divide has to decease, so we can raise our queens and kings in peace..

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The Immortal Wize says:


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igotastory says:

This poem is so Cold and it speaks the truth ,all my friends need to read this , I hope you don't mind if I share this with my classmates

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scash102 says:

Thank u wize i dont mind u are more than welcome to share this poem. Glad u like it

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DallasCowgirl says:

Thank you for this piece of reality and truth. Very much needed in today's generation and society.

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