tretre | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner 1
contest winner
lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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Fear (Scared of the dark)



Views: 419

My breathing becomes very rapid, with

images in my mind,

I'm afraid to turn around and look,

for fear of what's behind.

My feet, they feel so heavy, just

like I'm lifting lead,

I forge ahead through unseen things,

consumed with a load of dread.

It seems my destination is endless,

there is no end in sight,

To reach the place that I must go,

in the darkness of the night.

I feel around and find the box

and suddenly there is light,

It hurts to open my eyes and see,

I had them squeezed so tight.

Now I feel so silly, I look

at myself and muse,

I only had to go downstairs, and change

a little fuse.

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Wordman21 says:

I feel you on this....

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