tretre | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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The Rebellious Sheep:



Views: 580

There was a rebellious sheep, who wandered from the fold,

He didn't like the fences or the things he was told.

"There's a better way," he kept thinking to himself,

As he headed out on his own and ignored everybody else.

The glitter of the world attracted every sensual desire,

And soon there were cravings that set his soul afire.

He desired those things that hurt his body and mind,

And soon the peace he sought, he could no longer find.

His determination is something he had an abundance of,

When others tried to help he ignored their acts of love.

"I'll make it on my own," he kept saying to himself,

But in reality, a need to be loved grew inside himself.

Jesus is still looking and searching for this lost sheep,

He keeps on looking even though the pits are deep.

He won't give up until he's brought him back home,

For he is one of the lost sheep, he still calls his own.

He may have turned his back and gone his own way,

But Jesus' love and mercy is still reaching out today.

He'll never give up, on that you can be sure,

For he has a great mission and a heavenly future.

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Wordman21 says:

WoW...I Love this....Nice, real Nice
Contest Winner  

tretre says:

Thank you WordMan!!! I'm glad you like it. We all fall into the Rebellious sheep at some point in our lifes. But the important thing is there is still hope for us. Thank you for taking the time out your busy day to read my poem. Much love to you. Keep that pen movin WordMan!!!

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DallasCowgirl says:

Mind captivating

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