CiNdAEy | Poetry Vibe
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happily ever after



Views: 263

He says....

I am his princess...

His smile is priceless...

With him there is no crisis...

No bit of stress...

No cause for distress...


He says he was shy...

But never told me he resembled Shia...

His writings...

Make me cringe, feels like floating...

He writes our story...

Promises never to leave it unhappy...


He says he is burning...

Not from a fire...

But for me, he is yearning...

He is ready to acquire...

My lips, he wants to be kissing...

No longer just missing...


So much in common...

this moment should be caught by Canon...

He beats half a dozen...

I am so glad he was chosen...

He leaves me so cold and frozen...

But when were together, I am warm...

Like standing by an open fire...

All the desire...

Come in, and shut the door...


You have been in my life...

for such a short time...

but you are already my hero...

No longer left with zero...

Let's tell it, our story...

A long long time ago...

In a beautiful land, a boy saw a glow...

when he got closer, he saw it was a girl, her halo...


Happily Ever After...

Is ever so Magical!!!

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