scash102 | Poetry Vibe
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Division in Love


Views: 432

All i see n here is parenting drama either from the child or childrens mama or daddy. We as,a people have gotten comfortable with sex and kids before and or without marriage. Men have gotten prideful with miltiple babymamas and women screaming court and child support. Some women take child support and use it as a means of income, but bills are behind and kids hair isnt combed. Clothes dingy and barely fitting and the crying broke so she asks for more child support and gets it. Alot of women actually work n work hard, long hours, warm showers and whatever leftovets she can find after clocking out and without a doubt some mothers don't eat, but how can u care for you kids if you arent complete. Fathers angry and raging at the child support payments cus they still cant see they're kids or give them the gifts they got for they're birthday so they drink everyday to numb the pain or take theyre anger and frustration out on anyone who looks at them the seeing way and its a sad day.scrolling through living through pictures in your phne the days when both of the parents were home and best friends not fighting. Family is a good and positive thing and when a child is involved that changes everything. How can you look deep into the eyes of someone you used to love, talk to everyday and hug, to mean stares, yelling and screaming i hate you and that new chick wont love you like blah,blah,blah. Now yal in court fighting and screaming bout custody and the judge looking at you both as if to say yal crazy. Hateful n toxic informative Facebook posts, first no one knew yal busy now everyone knows. Whats so sickening and naive about working things out? Yal adults now and it more about yal child. What you do and say effects yal child like a boomerang that child grows up living wild from how they were raised and no one showed them different, parents too bitter to pay attention and give love and affection and this hatred is infecting our nation. Bestfriends girls and guys all have an opinion but they,weren't in the room when yal was sexing and either it was love, alcohol or yal was too careless to use protection, now yal texting back n fourth regretting the choice to take the action yal took its time to grow up now, not much time for school books. And it sucks that millions go through this instead of committing, working it out and be mature ladys and gents. This is what America, all races have accepted as a norm and its bad cus our coming generations have no vision or mission to see any different when they are following the example they and started at home and ends in the streets...

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