CiNdAEy | Poetry Vibe
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No longer a Dreamer or Seeker



Views: 312

Even though you have come...

and gone...

No damage will be done...

Just leave

it's best to go Unspoken...

I will just go...

Keep Marching on...

We shared nothing...

No Special Bond...

No time to grow fond...

You didn't take me very far, beyond...

I would have been willing to go blond...

But so glad you left not too long...

With the stroke of a wand...

I got what I wanted...

What was God -Found...

Not hell bound...

A bittersweet sound...

Follows me all through town...

No reason to try to frown...

I am as giddy as a clown...

No red nose, but you make my cheeks blush...

Put your finger on my lips...

One quick word...Hush...

You take me, with one swift push...

Watch your hands, on my tush...

Before you take my heart, ambush...

I want to remember the moment I gave it away...

this day...

this December 11th, today...

you came my way...

to make everyday...

all my dreams come true...

I didn't need to lure you...

You saw me...

As classy...

A real Beauty...

Your one true Lady...

the one you want to hear call Baby...

I am on a cloud...

Feeling more than I should be allowed...

May be you will only continue to dumbfound...

Be mine...


I will be her...

Your dream girl...

I answer to Cindy...

does that make you happy?

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