Jay Beach | Poetry Vibe
Jay Beach
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#3wishes The Series Starts Now

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Trust Issues



Views: 378

I've got trust issues.

I've had the girl I thought was perfect and only a few weeks later realized she wasnt worth it

The same girl that that only wanted me as a toy, im not one to be played with and thats why she had another boy

Told me she loved me and she knew she was lying

I think girls just love to abuse a good guy when he lovestruck and trying

Trust issues

I had a girl I knew since I was three or four, was in love with her and told her out friendship was cool but I wanted more

She said the same thing but we never ended up together and used every excuse

She wanted to give me everything except the f#*king truth

Every time we talk my virginity is the topic of conversation

Still is, it seems like its all she wants. No love just relations

Trust issues

Had a girl that just couldnt tell the truth

Seems like she had more guys in her mouth than she had tooths

I tried to overlook it too see who she was on the inside

But constant rumors force me to decide

Trust issues

Now with all that being said, im not innocent either

I've also been the giver and not just play the part of receiver

The second girl I talked about was one in which I used to cheat

The girl I had at the time was suspicious but I never admitted defeat

She wanted me to break up with the girl so we could be together and thats what I did

Then I found out she wasnt interested in me like she said she was. Aint that about a b*tch.

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The Immortal Wize says:

That last line summed it all up, I can truly relate. much respect!

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Devonte7638 says:

Honesty seems to be foreign language sometimes. Loved the poem

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