Where does fear come from...
But somewhere dark, cold, and unknown...
Why do so many of us choose it...
instead of sunshine, rainbows, the brightness...
We are the opposite of the bugs...
We pull straight towards, the darkness...
If you could change it....
What makes stop?
Life is Short...
Cannot be bought...
But can be wasted...
If lost below the undertaken...
I can see in the past...
I was one of you, part of the pact...
But what makes me different...
What makes me, me, today...
I love myself more than anyone...
Because I am beautiful...
I am an Angel...
sent from heaven...
he sent me to spread love...
joy, and nothing else...
I am trying to cross the oceans...
go past the mountains...
Reach the Himalayas...
My smile will be seen around the world...
My laugh will be the morning sound...
I have been given a gift...
I will not let it slip...
What does that prove...
What would I be...
But a failure...
I will not fail I will strive...
I will be the best at everything...
and anything...
Try and stop me...
You wont be able to...
I am stronger than the Ol' Mighty Zeus...
I will be heard, I will be seen, My Purpose...
Living Life...
Is more...
Than a list, A chore...
I do adore...
I can't wait to explore...
Who will come with me?
Take my hand be mine...
I will bring you to safety...
As Moses, with his people...
I will lift the waters if it means you will be with me...
I am a healer...
I am a lover...
I am a savior...
I am Cindy Renee Soto...