Artist JoeMac | Poetry Vibe
Artist JoeMac
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This is the story about the night I had sex with a prostitute, Her heartbeat was in the form of dollar bills and her breathing tactics were chump change in the form of pills she popped to get her fix, all to prepare her for the magic stick with the magic grip, see sex to her was a mere toy much like American troops to the U.S. Government, to the outside world they seen a prostitute, to her, all she seen was entreprenuership, exchange of one good for the service of another, see tonight was my turn to hit the strip and there I found her, on the corner of you gotta be tin me and what the *** avenue, she stood about 5'2 minus the heels, her hair was all hers and she was prettier than a shaved in the eyes of a newly freed convict, I started to wonder what convicted her to choose such a lifestyle, so I strolled up to her set and asked her how much for a blowjob and 30 minutes of action time, see said $299 and money up front, she was immediately paid, she jumped in my whip, we left the strip and rolled on into a rundown Motel 6, as she begin to strip I said stop, as you're strippin off your clothes, allow me to strip off your mind, cause trust that $299 still didn't buy me a woman, nor did it buy me true beauty, see you came with me tonight thinkin sex, I came tonight thinking how can I fix one of society's rejects who probably felt the rejections of men, see  dont mistake me for captain save a ho, I have no cape or an S on my chest, but what i do have is common sense to know a woman inside of a girl when I see her, see penetration isnt on my mind cause you're probably hotter than two squirrels ***ing inside of a wool sock, and a blowjob isn't in my mind's picture cause your mouth has more DNA samples than crime scenes, and I know they say you can't turn a hoe into a housewife, but they never tell you that you can't spell housewife without the word ho, so drop the h-o and you have two words, use and wife, which shows you the purpose of your life is to be useful to a man as his wife and not as his crash test dummy with coming in exchange for money, cause last I checked, ATM's are located in seclusion, in dull lit areas, and there is no purpose for you to be a walking carrier for Visa or Mastercard withdrawls, see whats in your draws does have power, but it also has the ability to cause self destruction, because much like do it yourself kits your body kit comes with instructions, one, dont let anyone operate it unless properly qualified, two, use with caution as improper use may cause severe damage, three, in case of emergency, seek medical attention, four, dont confuse this with those mickey mouse numbers poems that poets are spitting, five, if 1-4 fails, disassemble and do not go back in stock for re-use until properly fixed mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally, because a nine inch can cause nine months of regret, cause aint nothin worse than having a baby by a nice inch negro with a nine year old mindset, but actually, there is something worse, and that is simply death

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scash102 says:

I like the storyline. Very strong n profound words. Very inspirational. Amazing work.

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