CiNdAEy | Poetry Vibe
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my brother



Views: 290

walk away

down that path way...

As you cross the stepping stones...

I feel my insides,

I am breaking, my bones...


I felt you so close...

So near...

You promised to be there...

Next to me...


Now you say you are unsure...

And our feelings may have been premature....

You can't immature...

instead you leave behind a meaningless note...


I am envious of the time...

I lost beside him...

But am happy...

He wont be my last, "baby"...


I meet people each and everyday...

they come and go each and every way....

Does he think no one else would come along...

You just left, and there goes my bell...ding dong...


They all say they see me,

A one true beauty...

But no one has left me in a trance...

No one passes go, or gets an advance...

No one seemed to stand a chance...


Not because I missed you...

But because no will make me settle, or make-do...

I am better than any other...

In my own ways I may cause danger...

But I hope to one day meet my brother...

For if no man stands the test...

I will be glad to have him when I lay my head down to rest...


all we can do is keep breathing...

Until our final cut, our ending...

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