tretre | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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Views: 455

When upon the sea of life, you are tossed about,

Don't feel sorry for yourself; give the victor's shout!

Draw near and let him speak to you, Jesus, blessed friend.

He says "I'll not forsake you, I'll be with you in the end.

I was also lonely, when I dwelt upon the earth,

My friends denied, betrayed me; even I of noble brith."

When you are encumbered by the world and all its care,

Listen as He calls you to the blessed hour of prayer:

"Come ye aside, and rest awhile, in yonder desert place;

I''ll cause the sun to shine again, put a smile upon your face."

How sweet to have our faith renewed in fellowship with God,

How sweet to walk the very path our loving Savior trod.

Stop whatever you're doing, look to things above;

Listen as he tells you how to share his love:

"Go ye, and tell all nations about this love of mine;

The treasure of my Father's house shall be forever thine,

Your name will be upon the book of saints to share the glory,

What a promise! What a Savior! what a wondrous story!

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scash102 says:

Golden inspiration tretre. I love the message..

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mrmelody7 says:

Amen to this write perfect read for me this Sunday morning

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Contest Winner  

tretre says:

Awe...Thanks MrMelody for showing your love...I'm glad that you made it part of your sunday moring....Always keep that pen movin MrMelody!!!
Contest Winner  

tretre says:

Thank you Scash...I'm glad you found it inspirational...Keep that pen movin Scash!!!

sensation's of the truth says:


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