PoeticallyGifted | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 6500
contest winner
been gone for about 5 months. ive written a lot. but i felt compelled to share my new piece "The Heart's Deception".

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  brigadier general
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Views: 253

i need something simple and painless

im wondering where the hell the rain is

all of this is getting old

i wish i would've done like i had been told 

instead of trying to do it on my own

sorry Dad for not being a good son

its been 15 years, i sincerely wish this was all done

sorry cousin for ignoring your texts

its my biggest regret, because a couple months later i found out you were dead

my apologies go out to the people i've hurt in my life

you are the ones that cross my mind during the night

some of you deserved the hurt, and some of you did not

trust me when i say that this isnt the life i want

i want people to shed tears when they hear the words i say

i want to change their lives before they're leaving flowers at my grave

is that too much to ask for?

having a dream that id be willing to give my life for?

i refuse to be a person who sticks only to obedience

on me you'll always find a notebook and a pen full of ink

dont you dare mistake my kindness for weakness

play me in any way, and you'll just be another stain on my life sequence 

lion hearted state of mind

positive vibes on a poetic grind 

my words are my high

they put me at peace, a feeling thats almost trance-like

something tells me that that life will eventually turn into the the masterpiece i want it to be

right now its a semi-painted canvas, that thrives off of my ecstasy


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