JEvans1194 | Poetry Vibe
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No one is free even the birds are chained to the sky Searching and Soaring praying for hope

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Views: 260

Promising me the diamonds and rings but i know from this on and off relationship it will only bring pain Dreams of me and you forever but knowing it's to much pressure Heartfelt kisses but knowing that when I really need you they want be there Loveless souls trying to force eachother to feel something that can't be felt Devouring my body with yours but we both know we're not making love but just having sex all the promises, dreams, heartfelt kisses, and being loveless i can't take it anymore i'm through baby I love you but i'm doing this for ME because I realize now that there could NEVER be a WE.

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justformine says:

This is my favroet!!!

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