2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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just different

Views: 504

Red and white speckled confetti

Read and spoke in hastily manner

Sweet and creamy in essence

Delivered as candy coated truth

Scored as a test passing answer

Slippery when kept wet in landing

Fleeced by guise of catching winks

Most times causing receiver to think

Turn of events at such arrival of infamy

Infinitely enhanced 2b signaling an ending

Like pies to face, just prior to the lie in wait

Parties of surprise, make eyes blink from realize

A muse scented as cool and bold as a mint

Sent on bands plied and stretched out rubber

Bent out and vast is such a expedient reaction

Contracted and assigned in calming harshness

Pang from this zang is always sure in homing…reach,

that’s what makes this type sweet so damn unique!

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