I hear you but you refuse to talk, I seen you but refuse to walk, the depression in the forcast that the aftermath, show a certain wrath, we chosen our path or was it decided for us, we love to lust be let it be as it may, we cannot trust one another, the shattering the windows that the world was't that simple, I've been talking how I live it, then don't look at me to forgive
This was the title of this evening and seeing me breathing made you want to do the decieve, the art of achieve, the change of man is without to understand, we cause this to happen to us, the mentally without to love and trust, we kill each other then try to get a help hand, motions is to take fire, the army and the police is not for hire
What do you desire the most, a fancy cars, pay strippers and get a house on the coast, the image is toast which means its decieving, leaving the next generation without the lessons to choice there blessing, and any question we revolve in the lower message, are we a humble society or we hostile, confused off this disillusion, invisible product of this pollution
Cancers in the communities, samething is there anything new you can bring, blaming the world for your mess up, febble minds, look mankind and mother nature, the off sets of pleasure never gotten better, is this forever, the charts never surplus the operations to kill on what have in its must, then there is where the love and the trust, cussing at those that don't follow the teaching
Sunday school and we don't know what being preaching and whats being said, the dead lived there lives, but we still reminisce, society can you picture this, but it says a thousand words, then society needs multiple pictures than, and again, WHAT ARE YOU DETERMINED