2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Butterfly Fly-bye



Views: 492

Sweet wisp, sharing bliss

Derived by glimpse sealed by kiss

Spied upon, distant billowing

Lightly touching, yet reawakening

Imagining imaged sprites to delight

Sensing a sight unbelievably so right

Floating as if an heir to ether….. in flight

Inviting me to a peaceful meadow in life

Travelling on treasures , found in turns sought

Happiness brought in on this zephyrs’ tease

Elated by favor finally finding its way to me

So I decide to stay and play for awhile, today

Benevolent sunrays introduce anew monarch to heart

Capturing my soul as she softens my fall for her

Tumbling gently upon her plush mat, I stare up, thinking…

Thanking the Most High for this meaningful, timely shift

Hoping for this gift 2b beginning and not a parting shot

Realizing that the summer breeze, eventually leaves

Turning this brush into a gust meant to remove…..ease

For now, life is replete, in presence of love surrounding me

All is innocently realized by acknowledging a Butterfly’s flyby

Inspiring me to appreciate what it really means 2b in the now!


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mrmelody7 says:

Got to b real that b u2b, like the great ali,floating like a butterfly stinging like a Bee, love to watch the butterflies dip and bob and float and flutte-very appreciative poetry
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Thank you

catmartan says:

Great Write ! Thank you for sharing

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shadchan says:

lovely. a touch of erotica maried to playfulness.

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