scash102 | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
In the world and years of poetry.. Many stories have touched the lives of many.

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Views: 397

I cant feel anything, my body has goosebumps and the warm blood that once flowed through my veins has stopped. My heart rate has slowed and my body is just cold. Go ahead and judge me, lie to me, fight me or pull my hair. In sight im a human to u but in reality im jus a corpse faintly walking through air. I cried all my tears and fought off my fears but they continue to hurt me. I want to feel, i want to live, i try to love but im numb. I try to speak but there is no volume to my voice in fact ive become very hoarse. I reached for my pen to express myself but there is no feeling in my hand. I have done everything i know to live and breathe and be happy but truth is i coexist through the pain an a emotions like a metal invisible armour... Im a faded into a silhouette and living like a shadow. On the surface im whole and inside im hollow..

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